
11.4.13 TUTORIAL

Got my first leather samples...except they were lucy's so mine are going to be at least a weeks time till I get to actually touch them. The leather is beautiful very soft and smells great!!
Finished off my Spring/Summer 13 collection which is exciting, onto the next with Autumn/Winter 13 14...

Tutorial Notes - 
Happy with how illustrations are going, coming together so now need to start about layout and presentation. Look at websites and Magazines etc for help
Try layering up the images and multiplying the top layer and motion blur the bottom. This will help to create movement.  Distort using the 'warp" and "perspective" tool in photoshop, make them less human. 
I want to put a black streak lines as a background to represent falling. Try fading this out so it doesn't dominate the illustration. 
When scanning in the images do them at a high resolution so that they do not become pixelated if I am going to inlarge them. 

I had a friend who was doing graphic design come up with some logos. But I didnt feel he got to grips with what my brand is. Looking at other designers I have designed to have a signature of "AitchK." 
It looks good, mature and as if there is movement through the letters. 

Next weeks plan - 
Get initial pencil illustrations finished and start to distort and put background on. 
Get going on A/W 13. Have at least 2 prints finished.
Start printing off all the trial and error designs that have got me to the final ones.

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